

Ketu in Vedic Astrology

Ketu or Dragon’s tail is one of the most mysterious planet in Indian Vedic astrology to understand. Deciphering the results of ‘chaaya grihas’ (shadow planets like Rahu and Ketu) has always kept the astrologers into dire straits.

Virgo Ascendant

Virgo is the sixth sign of natural zodiac. People born in virgo ascendant(kanya lagna) shows natural traits of 6th house of zodiac(in kaalpurush kundli) and displays strong mercurial traits on their personalities.

Rahu Mahadasha

Rahu is responsible for shear materialism and illusion, that it brings during its dasha. And especially for youngsters the momentum of prior mars dasha is enough for one to get trapped in viscious trap of Rahu. If someone is undergoing rahu's mahadasha, first you should understand about Rahu.